The Adventures of Rexford Dinosaur 2010
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
January 1, 2010:Happy New Year Everyone from Rexford and the Gang

"I'll get you for this if I have to go extinct doing it!!"
RexfordCare Plan- In Action: March 20, 2010
Rexford's plan is based on freedom to make personal dietary choices. His choice is based on what works. At least what works for him.... The Plan?
Only those that should be eaten, get eaten.
"With a little salsa and a pinch of garlic...Bam... Polimedialicious!"
("Politician" courtesy Safari, Ltd.)
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
Rexford is Back: April 7, 2010
Rexford needed to go by the neighborhood Wal-Mart (almost every neighborhood has one) to check up on things. He began by checking on his blood pressure and it seems a little high.
"This combines bondage, public humiliation and pain. No wonder my blood pressure is up."
He proceeds to the relaxation section, hoping to pick up a snack.
"It's a toss-up whether I'll eat him here or follow him home, let him get marinated, then eat him."
And of course Rexford is always on the lookout to make a new friend....
"I thought that I made you in the woods?"
Or just insult one.
After a long, hard day Rex is ready to go home so he gets in his car seat and falls asleep on the way home.
Ride 'em, Cowboy: 4-9-10
Many of you have written in asking about Rexford, his origins, his proclivities, preferences and way of life. He is just an (extra-)ordinary Tyrannosaurus Rex, like the rest of us trying to get along in a world he never made.
There are times that he wants to go someplace and we are unable to give him a lift. In those cases Rexford makes his own arrangements....
"I got my license. I'm Free, red and Seventy-million. I can go where I want."
But sometimes the going gets a little difficult.
"I'm not making a lot of progress here. Maybe I shoulda taken the Toyota."
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
Attention Shoppers: April 10, 2010
"Attention shoppers. A small child has been found. It is dressed in a light blue outfit. If this is your child please come to the office immediately...."
"And bring some ketchup, it's a little dry."
Sunday, Sunday, Can't trust the News: 4-11-10
It's Sunday and Rexford just kicks back in his easy chair and relaxes with a friend, the newspaper and his pipe. He contemplates on dinner.
"Says here cows cause global warming.
Let's go eat some and save the world."
The Continuing Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
Bowling for Babies: 4-13-10
Well, well, well.... What will modern science think of next? Here (opens new window) we have an article impugning the reputation of the great Dinosaur predators. The Allosaurus, Tyrannosaurs and others are being 'accused' of going after "easy" prey, babies and such, as opposed to getting into the ring with adult Sauropods, Stegosaurs (with their dangerous spikey tails) and pointy headed Triceratops.
We went down to the Dino-town Childcare Center to interview Rexford who is volunteering today in order to get his take on this calumny.
"Yes, I try to get down to the center for a quick snack whenever I can. A guy can get hurt fighting a Triceratops over a bite to eat. ALL us predators do it when we have the opportunity. What's the big deal? Isn't it obvious that a smart predator (like myself) will go after the easiest prey? Gimme a break.... I'll take another hors d'oeuvres now, thank you. The daycare center is my favorite snack bar"
We hopr that you enjoy our little Dinos in the News blogs and are very close to finishing the preparations on our comparison blogs. We will be beginning them soon. Hang on for that.
Hey moms! Concerned that Rexford might be visiting your childrens' daycare next? Want to earn money at home while your children nap? You can if you 'work at home'. Here's how....
The Ongoing Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
Rexford Reigns on the Baby Shower: May 2, 2010
Yesterday's Baby Shower was a lot of fun and went pretty well. Unfortunately Rexford did create some confusion and a modicum of terror. Overall it was to his taste.
Arriving at the Baby Shower Rexford found all to his satisfaction.
"Nice Spread. Should attract plenty of guest prey."
The gift table also seemed like a good place for an ambush.
"Okay Pooh Wannabe, just keep quiet and you won't get hurt."
Rexford made the rounds of the various tables, checking on some of the better tasting, uh, better looking guests....
"Everything to your taste here, Mrs. Roo?"
"Shoudn't you be wearing breading or something?"
"Enough Mr. Nice Guy. You're to my taste!"
Finally Rexford found the perfect spot to just hang out.
"Everybody will have to come by the waterhole and I'll have my pick."
At least one of the guests found Rexford too much to handle and left in a hurry.
"That Stupid Tyrannosaurus ruined the whole party and ate Mrs. Roo and Pooh too!"
Rexford had choices to make at the shower and I'm not so sure that he made the best ones. You have choices in considering who to use as your webhost. Consider SBI!, and here's why....
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
Escape From Tomato Park: May 24,2010
Today Rexford will dramatize a scene from Jurassic Park, the movie. Our story opens with Rexford trapped in a tomato-patch enclosure, kept in by a high, electrified fence
"No one can hold me, I am Rexford the mighty!! Bwa ha ha!"
Escape is not easy to accomplish, involving agility, ability, brains and fortitude.
"It also helps if the fence isn't electrified, or you're rubber."
Free at last Rexford is ready to wreak havoc.
"Watch out world, here I come."
Watch out world, here YOU come! You can gain the freedom of your own web-business and SBI will show you how. No climbing pesky electrified fences. A step by step proven formula will give you that freedom and independence you want. Check it out!
Tomorrow? The first new page in almost three months! A small Sauropod. They really did come that way and 'small' is a relative term.
The Continuing, Ongoing Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
Beach Burial Bingo: May 28, 2010
A huge Spring storm came through today. Lots of thunder, rain, hail and lightning. We had to go off-line, in fact close down, to be safe. This did put us behind a bit so here is a blog entry from a recent beach vacation Rexford had with his son and a couple of friends.
"This looks like a a nice stretch of beach."
"Dad, dad! Can we do it here?"
"Let's try that over there."
Yeah dad, yeah. Let's do it here...."
"No no. Not here, just over there."
" Oooh ooh we'll bury you alive pop!"
"No no. NOT bury me alive. Bury me in the sand. There really is a difference."
"I think this is deep enough son."
" No no, just a little more...."
"This is great dad. uh dad... dad....??"
"I think you're standing on my dad's head."
"That's not ALL I'm doing!!"
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
Memorial Day: May 31, 2010

Today is Memorial Day in the United States of America. This day is a National Holiday to honor the soldiers who have given their lives (and continue to do so) to battle tyranny and oppression all over the world.
First enacted after our civil war to honor the Union soldiers who fought to retain the unity of the United States and incidentally end slavery, it was expanded after WW1 to honor all American soldiers who have given their lives to protect and extend freedom throughout the world.
(Rexford and the Eagles wish to offer their apologies to the US Navy but they do not have any ships to pose with.)
"Don't Tread on Me!"
THANK YOU to all the members of the United States Armed Forces!
A year of the Ongoing Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
Rexford Visits the Obstetrician: June 3, 2010
Rexford decided it was time for him to visit the newest member of our Dino-family. So it is off to the hospital and all those darned procedures.
"Wash my hands? I hardly ever use my hands. I can barely even see my hands."
Upon going up to the room Rexford meets the obstetrician.
"Oh cool, a snack. Hospital food!"
"No, No! I'm the doctor, not a snack!"
"Uh, this Doctor is a bit dry. Where are the condiments?"
But 'snacking' is just a sideline on this visit. The real reason is to meet 'n greet the new baby."
"This is a real cute kid. Very tasty."
(CAREFUL there Rexford!)
"Hey, I didn't mean nothin' (much).
"Let's call him Dino-Tot!"
And Dino-Tot it will be.
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
Baby Breaks Bad: June 4, 2010
Rexford has taken a shine to the new little fella and has been keeping his eye on him.
"And he's not bad looking for a Mammal..."
"Will you please pipe down! Some of us are trying to sleep around here."
["...feisty little guy...."]
Hey moms! Don't want Rexford doing your child care? Earn money while your children nap! You can if you 'work at home'. Here's how....
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
Rexford Went a Courtin': June 8, 2010
We are currently working on the Carnegie Deinosuchus page, all part of the 3-Little Sauropods storyline. The bottom line though is that we don't have a new page. BUT we do have a blog entry. Big shop at Wal-Mart and Rexford came along for his own reasons.
First Rexford tried on some new outfits to sharpen up his appearance.
"Lookin' good. Ooooh, who is THAT?"
"Hiya baby. You're a lot cuter than your sister...."
And Rexford did all that he could to impress her, from fancy dress to flowers.
"I'm lookin' sharp. A flower for my honey?"
Ultimately Rexford went with his favorite, a gift of food.
"I don't know what it is, but it's for you."
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
Rexford's Best Friend: June 12, 2010
We were going to show how the Maiasauras fared on their ill-fated thrill ride yesterday.... But something interesting happened with Rexford. He made a new friend during today's photo shoot. Here's what transpired....
This big, black & white Lab-mix dropped by and Rexford decided to check him out.
"Hi- how ya doin'?"
"Exactly what are you?"
"Rexford the Tyrannosaurus Rex, at your service."
A bit of checking each other out ensued.
"You smell kinda strange."
"You don't smell all that great yourself!"
They bumped noses and made friends.
(Thump...) " Hey, You're all right!"
They compared choppers....
"whooaa! You can put those away there big fella.
"I can't help how I'm made, ya know."
Having made friends they sat around sharing stories.
"...and then I said..."
"...and blah, blah, blah..."
"...and blah, blah.... Hey! Have you been listening to me?
And we are still working up the Deinosuchus page. So don't despair, stay right here.
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
Busy Busy Growing Growing: June 22, 2010
Our upcoming Safari Ltd (opens new window) Apatosaurus page is coming along very well. It will be the biggest page yet, with about sixty pictures altogether. This will be one page featuring both the 1996 and 2010 versions of this great Dinosaur toy.
We have been kept busy with baby-care now that our new grandson has arrived...
And with gardening....
"Hi ho, hi ho, it's gardening I will go..."
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
Rexford Motivates the Staff- the 1996 Safari Apatosaurus Page: June 25, 2010
It's about time that we got something done around here. At least that was Rexford's demand.... Things have been so busy we decided to go ahead and split our Safari Apatosaurus page into two pages, a shorter one for the now out of production 1996 model and a longer page, still in planning but soon (very soon) to appear on the new 2010 model.
The 1996 was a precursor to many improvements and changes in the Safari Ltd Dinosaur toys product improvement program. Its curved tail was a first for Apatosaurs and its upright stance (very similar to the 1994 Battat Diplodocus) is still unique among Apatosaurus toys. That curved tail can now be found on the 2006 Carnegie Amargasaurus, the 2008 Carnegie Diplodocus and the 2008 Safari Ltd Nigersaurus. And a spectacular triple curve is seen on the newest 2010 Safari Ltd Apatosaur. It took a while but active, dynamic and realistic Sauropods are finally here!
DinoBabe has gotten with the program and is letting Rexford dress him now. Rexford certainly approves.
"Even if the color's off he still dresses better than any other baby."
And Rexford is getting a bit overboard in his threats to get the staff moving....
"If y'all don't start to hustle I'll eat this baby!"
{"You won't weawwy? Wood you Mr. Wexfud?"}
Will he? Or won't he? We don't want to find out so we're all hustlin' here....
You too can be like Rexford and work from home. Find out how, here.
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
The beginning of the rest of the year of the Ongoing Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
July 4th, 1776 to 2010: 234 Years of Greatness
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
Rexford Dining Out: 7-16-10
Things have been extremely busy in Dino-town, too busy to get another page done or even get to doing a blog. Our apologies. To make up for it here is a bit of Dinosaur-lore. It is little known but there were Dinosaurs, usually herbivores, that would disguise themselves in order to go out to eat without being bothered by crass carnivores.
A scene from Melosaur's Dinersaur Buffet
"This stuff is delicious Fred! Hey, you're not eating (not that I mind)."
"Oh, I think I'll hit the salad bar."
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
Rexford vs the DMV: 7/19/2010
Rexford went to get his driver's license renewed this morning.
"Whoa!! The first barrier to renewing my license. What else will they come up with?"
Once inside the wait begins.... (Not very long, unless you're Rexford.)
"La la la.... No left on red... what were those other rules??"
Then Rexford's number gets called and he heads on in to take his tests.
"Hmmmm, what I need is my own "great seal" of the 'State of Rexford.'"
First up is the eye test.
"Read the top line? I can't read at all! I'm a T-Rex, I don't have to read. Well... only menus."
That didn't go as well as it might have but Rexford managed to pass anyway. Must be his toothy smile. Next came the 'road signs' test.
"Triceratops crossing, Stop eating- breathe, Yield to temptation, Oncoming Hadrosaurus herd, Soft/Tasty Shoulder, No Ambush Zone...."
The road-test was given a pass.
"HA! I don't need a road-test because I get chauffeured everywhere I go. Besides, my feet can't reach the pedals and I can't see over the steering wheel."
Rexford got his license renewed and headed off to reward himself as completely as possible.
"These are unbeatable and just barely enough."
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
Rexford Recommends Kentrosaurus: 7-21-2010
Our Safari Kentrosaurus page is coming along. At least the photos are downloaded and ready to go. This is a very nice, highly detailed and naturally colored figure, in reasonable scale to many of the other superb new (post 2005) Safari Ltd Dinosaurs (opens new window) such as the Safari Stegosaurus. (See below)
Rexford personally likes the Kentrosaurus and thinks of them as a bit like M&Ms....
"They're easy to pick up when you're out shopping...
"...they taste great and are full of all the vitamins and nutrients children need for their growing bodies."
And best of all!
"Mikey likes it!"
When you're faced with making 'nutritional choices' for your new website use Choose IT!
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
Rexford Visits the Mechanic: July 22, 2010
Rexford, having license in 'hand' (see July 19 blog entry) decided it is time to have his car checked out at his one and only auto mechanic.
"Wow! They sure have a lot of cars to be fixed."
Rexford took a look at the menu.
"I'll have one of those, two of those, three...."
"And I need one of these too... hmmmm, maybe two."
They showed him some of the work they'd need to do.....
"That's the doo-hickey. Right?"
Rexford tried to help.
"Umm, I can't find the wrench"
Then Rexford went out front to "feel the difference"....
"Ugh... oooof... urghhh... aaargh... oooooh... eeeee... grrrrr. I can't feel anything at all. Auto-work is tiring and a bit gymnastic. I need a break."
This all took a lot out of Rexford and he went to the 'waiting room' to get a snack.
"This 'waiting room' is a bit cramped."
"Hey! You're all out of Hadrosaurus Chips!!"
So Rexford had to make the best of the situation.
"I'll just wait in here and when someone comes for popcorn... POUNCE!!"
Just another day in the Rexford saga.
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
Rexford & DinoBabe Shop for Shoes: July 28, 2010
Rexford and DinoBabe went shopping for shoes today. (Yes, the introductory picture is an older pic.) Rexford found some nice, casual shoes....
"I can't decide between these Moccasins and Sandals. Decisions decisions."
Meanwhile Dinobabe had her own opinions
"I don't need shoes as long as I have my dolly."
"But I could use some underwear...if these are underwear. I can't read yet."
Rexford, however, really got into the shoe thing.
"These are really fancy. How do I look?"
"These are just like Cinderella's. And these used to belong to a big cat."
(Yes, Rexford is quite ecologically incorrect and species insensitive.)
Rexford was also very impressed with what he considered to be the dining section of the store.
"Too cool. They even provide the customers with a 'Snak-Stak'!"
But he did get into a bit of a bind.
"You just try on some shoes and eat some people and the next thing you know you're in jail. Grrrrr!"
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
Rexford Wants Wheels: July 30/2010
Rexford and his pal, DinoBabe, went shopping for some new wheels,
"I like the colors on this one."
"Basic black goes with everything but it seems a bit pricey."
DinoBabe has been just standing around, getting bored and decided to focus on her own snacking....
"This one doesn't even have any wheels. Hey Toots, I think you dropped one."
Our future involves a wedding this weekend (no, not DinoBabe and Rexford) and there will, most likely, be very little production happening here in Dinotown and on the site, just celebrating.
Upcoming will be our paean to one of my all-time favorite Dinosaur toys, (opens new window) the Marx 'sleek' T-Rex. It set the standard for dynamic posing and active play. Too cool.
The Ongoing, Continuing Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
Go to Work: August 9, 2010
"Let's Go to Work!"
"Should we stop and smell the roses?"
"Don't stop and they're Not roses."
But we are still working on the MARX (opens new window) Revised Mold Group sleek T-Rex page. Things have just been incredibly busy as real life has been intruding on the page creation work schedule. We are working on picking out and downloading photos and on the page itself as well. Here at The Guide we frown upon putting up incomplete pages (except under extraordinary circumstances) and want to present only finished pages at all times.
We're working on it.
"Zzzzzzzz, zzzzzz"
No. No. Really we are. Pay no attention to the sleeping editor.
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
Lunch with Mr Rexford: August 13, 2010
Rexford was feeling frisky today so while rest of us were busy he hopped in the car....
"Honk honk. Outta my way. Rexford Petty on the Prowl!!"
... and drove to a nearby restaurant and perused the menu.
"The thing about eating these is that a half-hour later, you're hungry again."
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
Poppa Rexford: August 14, 2010
Rexford is all heart (and some teeth) and he can prove it.
"Look at all these poor little orphan Dinosaurs!"
So Rexford did what comes naturally and took one home.
"Now this little fella has a home and I bet he tastes good too."
And there we see the kindness in.... hey, wait a minute! What'd he say? No, no Rexford....!
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
When Rexford's Away: August 17, 2010
" Hey, I think there's an Ankylosaurus under here!"
"And strange symbols all over this tiled floor!"
"I expected more action when I moved this silver and block rock it's hiding under."
"Well, plenty of action is happening on this weird black wall!"
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
And where was Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur, 2010?
Rexford Dinosaur 2010 Meditation: August 18, 2010
"And to all a GRRRR-night."
Do you spend your nights dreaming of your own, profitable website?Rexford says that you can make that dream come true, here.
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
Rexford: and I'll Take Manhattan: August 28, 2010
" "I'll take two of the spotted ones and one with the plates and toothpicks. Don't wrap them. I'll eat them here."
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
Rexford Goes to Sea. Or Not.: September 1, 2010
"Oh Noooo, not again!"
"Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated."
Once again we have a theory about the extinction of the Dinosaurs. This, a somewhat theological one. Below we see the first attempted launch of "the ark" which was meant to save everyone, and didn't work out as well as it might have.
But here is the true reason behind the Dinosaurs extinction.
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
Extinction Today a la Rexford: September 9, 2010
Here is an article (opens new window) from the August 30, 2010 Wall Street Journal that discusses a contemporary form of extinction:
(Here is the opening of the article....)
"They can fix the Mammoth with a little barbecue sauce."
Roadside Attractions aren't getting the traffic that they used to. Is that what is happening to your website too? Do you want a website with virtually guaranteed traffic? Find out how, take the Alexa traffic test here.
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
An ONLINE SCHOOLS Award: Rexford Wins the Open?: September 12, 2010
"Hey, hey! Look at ME! I won the US Open!!"
Our site was recently cited for being among the winners of the prestigious "Online Schools" (site since shutdown) "Top-Toy-Blogs" award. Below is the email we received, announcing the award, and the reference page:
"Dear DTCG,
Congratulations! Madison here, and your blog, Dinosaur Toys Collectors Guide, was determined to be one of the best blogs to learn about your topic, and has received our 2010 Top 50 Toys Blogs award!
Winners were chosen through a scoring system led by internet nominations, which came from your reader base!
You can see your name amongst our winners here at: "Onlineschools.org/top-toys" - sadly this site has shut down. Probably due to their standards in award giving.
Madison Evans
Of course Rexford takes any all awards very personally and tends to get more than a wee bit possessive.
"Waddya mean "Nadal" called, and wants his trophy back?
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
Creation: Hawking versus Rexford September 15, 2010
The famous physicist Stephen Hawking recently published a book about the creation of the universe. The Wall Street Journal published an excerpt (September 3, 2010) that can be read here (opens new window). The essence seems to be that there is no need for G_D to explain creation. All you need to believe in is "spontaneous creation." Essentially everything for/from nothing. So we're all kind of a "free lunch."
Rexford has his own opinions, both about lunch (he likes it) and creation (he's part of it), and wants to share them....
"I look out on this beautiful world,..."
"...I look at my friends, and I know the source of creation...."
Meanwhile DinoTot has his own opinion about both theories.
COMPARE theories of creation. Then compare sites that will help you create your website. Do that here. Then decide.
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
The Ongoing and Continuing Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
News From Outer Space: Rexford Goes Deep Space October 14, 2010
"I come bearing gifts."
Warning! Lots of modern science stuff.
There have been a number of recent news items about discoveries in outer space. The first (opens new window) is that a new planet that could support life (as we know it)has been discovered, ooooohhhh. The second (opens new window) is that SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) researchers in Australia have detected signals that they believe to be originating from intelligent life, aaaahhhh.
Little do they know but Rexford has already made contact.
"Take ME to your leader."
"ummmm, okay...."
"By the way, how's he taste."
"Good, just like me. Hey, wait a minute....
(The alien quickly changes the subject.)
"Hey, nice space suit."
"Thanks, I made it myself."
This blog is dedicated to the dedicated scientists who know the truth is out there and hope it will contact them.
Rexford hopes it tastes good.
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
Rexford Digests New Information: October 17, 2010
This article says that a new species of carnivore has been discovered. (opens new window) Rexford doesn't think we need any new ones, being quite satisfied with the ones we already have. One in particular.
"Hey Dad, can we see the new species of carnivore?"
"Mmmmpphhhh. uh? WHAT new species? Uuuurrrppp!"
Rexford doesn't care much for competition although he does seem to like its taste.
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
Rexford Finds a Family Fun Site: October 23, 2010
(Rexford stalking the wild coloring page.)
The web is so chock full of sites, yet it is never easy to find one that the whole family can enjoy. I was recently introduced to a site that has plenty of fun things to do for a young (or older) family. It is called Family Fun Cartoons (opens new window) and it is loaded with comics, cartoons, games, jokes and pictures that can be printed out and colored. (opens new window) It is these that have garnered Rexford's attention. Check it out....
"I'm all ready to color up a storm!"
Rexford Dinosaur 2010 says:
If you want the information.
And like the presentation.
Please offer a donation.
(Click on Picture below)
You Are Secure!
"Please help to fill up my cup. Thank you."
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
Rexford and the NC State Fair: October 30, 2010
Last year Rexford's brother, Rocky took Junior to the North Carolina State Fair and had such a good time Rexford decided to go this year himself. Rocky showed him all the best, fun things to do.
"Be sure to see this, and this, and eat here, and here, and here and...."
Rexford arrived at the fair and took a look at the excitement he could have... and cause....
"Oooooohhhhhh, how thoughtful. An entire town for me to ransack."
His first stop was to check out the tasty rabbits-
"Hmmmm, this bunny doesn't seem bugged by my presence."
-and he learned the reason why.
"Uh oh, these things are a lot more dangerous than I thought. Rocky warned me about this. Last year it was Donkeys, this year rabbits."
(The more things change, the more they remain the same. It goes something like that.)
So Rexford continued on, seeking easier prey and teaching Junior a thing or two about hunting.
"Okay Son, first try to just fit in, act like a piglet."
"Uh, I don't think this will work, Dad"
"Then you pick your pork-chop and chomp, son."
"Uh Dad, the Mom is getting angry. We better get out of here."
So Rexford and Junior settled for a more civilized meal after all.
"What the heck are those white and green things? Are they even edible?"
Well. That and other mysteries will be solved and discovered in Part II of our State Fair Blog, on Monday. Tomorrow will be our second Annual Halloween Blog. Be sure to attend.
"And be sure to bring meat!"
"Yeah. What he said!"
(We each have our own concept of "treat.")
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
RTO & Dino-Tot Star in: The Dino-Camo Hunt: December 4, 2010
What is the well dressed young hunter wearing this season?
Dino-Camys in Fall Colors, of course. But how effective you ask, are these when it comes to fooling the greatest hunter of them all, Rexford!!??
"Despite rendering himself effectively invisible in his Dino-Camo Outfit. I will find him easily by using my superlative sense of smell."
"Pee-eww, somebody change this kid! My sense of smell is overwhelmed!"
"Mistah Wexfud! Don' you mek me the butt uff yaw stoopid jokess!"
Wow! Dino-Tot's first words!
The Continuing Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
A Rexford Dinosaur 2010 Halloween: October 31, 2010
Halloween can be a fun time to play dress-up and pretend. Rexford and Rocky were out discussing their plans for this Halloween. (opens new window to last Halloween)
"What do you plan on doing for Halloween, Rex?"
"I've got a couple of ideas. I might dress-up in ambush as a flower...."
"...or maybe go as popcorn, that'll surprise somebody..."
"...or maybe go as a Leopard. I'v got the shoes. Or maybe I'll just wait, hoping some trick or treater brings meat."
"And maybe someone will even want to go as ME."
"Yeah. Well. Nobody'd want to go as me."
Of course a proper choice of costume is always a very important consideration because a poor choice can get you into a lot of trouble, one way or another.
"Come on Rocky, dig in. Someone brought meat and there's plenty for both of us."
"oooohhhh... I'm gonna be sick...."
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
Vote for REXFORD!: Election Blog- 2010: November 1, 2010
Or if not Rexford, then for some other, less deserving candidate. But please, vote. Every election is important. Voting is our most basic Constitutional Right and essential to the exercise of our citizenship. Rexford says:
"Vote early and vote often!"
If you haven't voted yet, vote on Election Day, we're all counting on you. But please, not more than once (unless you're voting for Rexford- then you can vote as many times as you can get away with), thank you.
(Rexford walks the walk and votes.)
"Hey! Where's MY name? I gotta write it in on every line? Oh well, maybe I'll win one...."
We hope that you have studied the candidates and will be making your choice(s) tomorrow at the polls.
On Election Day you get to choose the government you want. If you want a website that will provide years of continuing income then vote for SBI. First vote for your pocketbook in the election booth, then again for it here.
"Thanks for Your Vote!"
Election Day has pre-empted our regular State Fair, Part Deux blog. That blog will be seen Wednesday or Thursday. Hey, don't blame me, thank the Constitution.
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
Mid-Term Heavy - Weights: Election Day November 2, 2010
Since Rexford Dinosaur 2010 has already voted....
"Voting a straight ticket, all REXFORD, all the time. Hey! That's NOT how you spell R-E-X-F-O-R-D!"
Despite Rexford's disappointment at the mis-spelling of his name he did vote and when they get around to counting his votes he does have expectations for their results....
"Uh, um, I suddenly seem to be surrounded...."
"Ouch! I get your point.... I think I'll take a few days off now."
Maybe he does, maybe he doesn't. Maybe he will, maybe he won't. We'll know soon enough. Meanwhile Rexford decided to take a walk in the woods....
"I think I found the Squirrels' precinct."
We close with an address from The President and his staff.
"And I, uh, urge you all to get out and vote. Thank you. Then I'll be leaving town for a while. I hear India is nice this time of year."
(With special thanks to Safari Ltd (opens new window) for sponsoring the Presidential visit.)
The President and Rexford (not necessarily in that order) want to get out the vote. People vote for websites with their clicks. Alexa counts them. Learn how to get the most clicks for your site. (Clicks = $$$)
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
Rexford Surveys the Field: Cretaceous Punditry November 3, 2010
The WSJ: Pundits gone wild. (opens new window)
"Hey! The view from up here is pretty good. If I come back I want to come back as a bird."
Wishes do sometimes come true evolutionarily speaking. Rexford has gone up a tree to take a pundit's-eye-view of the wreckage strewn about from the most recent election.
"These cool science things will give ME a leg up on determining the mood of the people."
I'm not so sure that Rexford is going to need a lot of scientific instrumentation to figure this one out.
"For one thing, I think politicians will have to tred carefully by wearing cool moccasins like mine."
An Interview with the Pundit Extraordinaire
"So, Rexford, what are your hopes and fears as a result of this election?"
"My hopes are....
"Uh, hey guys. Can I join your tea party?
"And my fears are."
"What Elephant?"
The election is over and there's really nothing left to do but clean up. What do you say Rexford?
"Que sera, sera...."
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
Rexford at the Fair 2010: Part II: November 5, 2010
Rocky went to the 2009 NC State Fair (opens new window) and had a ball. He explored a USArmy M-3 Bradley IFV...
...and there were lots of visitors at the NC National Guard exhibit. He snuggled in the arms of the Marines' "Sgt. Slaughter",
and it wasn't easy getting up there. The USMC booth was also very busy. He said these two were "must-sees" - The National Guard always has cool army stuff and the Marines, well, are THE MARINES.
Rexford went looking for the National Guard exhibit but it was barely noticeable. There was a Humm-vee, painted like an American flag but no visitors when he arrived (at a busy time of day). He was told the NC-NG had "refused to release" any of their usual vehicles, reflected in the unusual lack of interest in the exhibit when he was there.
He went to find the USMC booth. The blow-up Sgt wasn't there and where the Marines used to be was an exhibit for blaring auto sound systems.
He noticed another Humm-vee painted a basic red, looking like a Christmas present, with famous Marine Battles painted in pastel purple letters about the vehicle. Maybe this was the Marines after all.
Inside it was dark (and not quite as loud), but there were no other visitors. Both the NC-NG and USMC "exhibits" were barely noticeable and very sparsely (if at all) attended as compared to years past. This looked to REXFORD more like a 'gift-wrapping' tent than the USMC. The Marines were friendly, helpful, ready and willing to talk about the Corps, once you found them, but didn't have any gift wrap.
So Rexford visited a tobacco exhibit.
"People pay for dried sticks of this stuff? I'm gonna be sick."
Then he went off, looking for food. He found "Mitch, the metallic pig."
Despite being inedible (due to his metallic nature) Mitch did prove to have certain benefits... wings.
"When pigs fly, I'll be their pilot!"
Rexford got down to serious business when he discovered some unguarded cattle.
"I can get my teeth into these."
"Steak tartare, al fresco, just can't be beat."
So Rexford's trip to the fair wasn't a bust after all (he wasn't busted for rustlin' those cattle) and he ended his day by relaxing in a hot tub.
"Hey. Where's the relaxing jets? Where's the bubbles? Where's the water?"
Nothing is perfect but some things are better than others. I am sure that Rexford will adjust as he has always done.
Next we will be introducing the new 2011 Safari Ltd (opens new window) Dinosaurs, Dragons and related figures. We want to thank Safari Ltd for allowing the Dinosaur Toys Collectors Guide to introduce them to you. Stay tuned.
There was virtually no traffic at the military booths at the fair, apart from Rexford anyway. No traffic = No interest. Learn how to bring traffic to your existing website, or how to build a new high-traffic website, by clicking here.
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
Rexford Goes Fishing: December 1, 2010
"This is the perfect lure when trolling for gardeners."
You Are Who You Eat: December 2, 2010
Or, at least, you may look a bit like it.
"Coloration is a great form of camouflage. I'm just not sure what kind of animals this herd is."
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
RTO & Dino-Tot Star in: The Dino-Camo Hunt: December 4, 2010
What is the well dressed young hunter wearing this season?
Dino-Camys in Fall Colors, of course. But how effective you ask, are these when it comes to fooling the greatest hunter of them all, Rexford!!??
"Despite rendering himself effectively invisible in his Dino-Camo Outfit. I will find him easily by using my superlative sense of smell."
"Pee-eww, somebody change this kid! My sense of smell is overwhelmed!"
"Mistah Wexfud! Don' you mek me the butt uff yaw stoopid jokess!"
Wow! Dino-Tot's first words!
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
Christmas 2010: The Hunt for the Perfect Present 12/24/2010
When Rexford saw this picture of a Dragon concluding a successful hunt (on the Left), on this blog (opens new window) he was taken with the idea of "Christmas Camouflage" to improve his hunting technique.
So he decided to try out several different Christmas 'cammies.'
"A tad effeminate I think."
"Everybody Loves Santa."
"With a neat hood that will disguise my face."
"Oooops! Let's try something more natural looking."
"This seems to work. And it can light my way tonight...."
"Hey! Who turned out the lights?"
So Rexford ended up going back to his tried and true.
"Pounce and Bite. Works every time!"
Even the Dragons celebrate.
"Twas the Night Before Christmas, and all through the house...."
Rexford and the little Rexes want to wish everybody a wonderful Christmas.
"Now kids. The true meaning of Christmas has nothing to do with our giving presents to each other. It is a celebration of our all receiving the Perfect Present."
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
Rexford and the Last Goodbye: December 31, 2010
Rexford took the kids out to look at the Community Calendar and deliver some bad news.
"This is the end of the last page of The Calendar kids. It's the End of Time."
"Oh xy*@?#-&^^*zz!"
The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
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The Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010
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That's All of the The Ongoing and Continuing Adventures of Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur 2010, Folks!
Rexford Dinosaur 2010, Rexford Dinosaur 2010, Rexford Dinosaur 2010, Rexford Dinosaur 2010, Rexford Dinosaur 2010, Rexford Dinosaur 2010, Rexford Dinosaur 2010, Rexford Dinosaur 2010.