The Tyrannosaurus Rex Has Long Been a Favorite Among Dinosaur Toys
Nearly Every Company has Come Up with Its Own Version of the Venerable Tyrannosaurus Rex
When we think of the Tyrannosaurus we think
of the gigantic fifty-foot long, seven-ton carnivore but the Tyrannosaurs ranged in size down to the recently discovered 2.5 ton (not all that) Tiny Tyrannosaurus
as well.
There is some discussion as to whether the Tyrannosaurus Rex was a hunter or a carrion eater. The argument kind of goes that he was too big to succeed, wasn't fast enough or sly enough to catch living prey. Personally I'd think that most any buffet-beastie would tend to freeze rather than move and attract this hungry monster.
Originally posited in an upright stance with his tail dragging along the ground, snakelike, he was pictured as essentially a blundering and clumsy Frankenstein's monster kind of fellow. Towering at twenty-five feet, however, he was able to see what he couldn't shuffle after fast enough to catch and perhaps spot a broken down lunch wagon.
The contemporary T-Rex is posed in a much more active stance. A pose that implies its predatory behavior and its energy. With the tail stretched out behind and ten feet off the ground, the head held up and thrust forward fourteen feet or more in the air, today's T-Rex is as fearsome a creature as has ever been imagined.
On the other hand such creatures as the always terrifying Godzilla have been based on that early conception of the T-Rex. You can find out more about the
Tyrannosaurus Rex here
if you are so inclined.

Today the Tyrannosaurus Rex,
when not kept under strict control...
... can quickly get out of hand.
On the other hand he can be very helpful in the kitchen and seems to love baking and preparing food for local cake sales.

The Popularity of the Tyrannosaurus Rex Can be Seen by the Length of this List of Tyrannosaurus Rex Dinosaur Toys... VIVA Tyrannosaurus Rex!
(Clicking on the highlighted company name will take you to the T-Rex figure page for that company.)
Read about the T-Rex at the NC State Fair- from our blog. October 20 & 21, 2009.
Atari (1994-96-97)
Battat (1994)
Carnegie Collection (Safari) (1988) (1998)
Carnegie Albertosaurus (2003)
Carnegie Dilong (2005)
Chap Mei
Invicta (1977)
Jurassic Park/Kenner Baby T-Rex The Lost World(1997)
JP/Kenner T-Rex Jr. S1(1993)
JP/Kenner T-Rex Jr. S2(1994)
JP/Kenner JP.09 T-Rex "Big Red" (1993)
The Rexford 2010 Blog Archive, all Rexford, all the time. Creation, extinction, the State Fair, the DMV, elections, Christmas and much more. Nothing is safe, nothing is sacred, when Rexford gets involved.
JP/Kenner JP.29 "Thrasher" T-Rex (1997)
JP/Hasbro electronic T-Rex (2000)
MARX Pot Belly T-Rex (1955)
MARX Sleek T-Rex (1959)
MPC Tyrannosaurus Rex (1964)
PAPO Tyrannosaurus Rex (2005)
Safari Gorgosaurus ((2004)
Safari Ltd. Tyrannosaurs (1996) and Safari Ltd T-Rex (2006)
Safari Dino-Discoveries T-Rex Hatchling (2006)
Wild safari T-Rex baby (1997, repaint 2008)
Safari Juvenile T-Rex (2005)
Safari/Field Museum "Sue" x2 Tyrannosaurs (2004)
Schleich Tyrannosaurus (2004)
Schleich Tyrannosaurus (2002)
SRG T-Rex(?!?) (1947)
X-Plus Albertosaurus
As you can see, we have a LOT of Tyrannosauruses to present and so I'll get on with the task momentarily....
Have you ever wondered what it might be like if Dinosaurs had survived and were still alive today. They'd have to be pretty special, that's for sure. So special, in fact, that they might form a team of Superheroes. Well, it's not impossible, it's entirely FOSSIBLE!
It seems that any company that makes Dinosaur toys has at least one Tyrannosaurus in its inventory. And of course, no Dino toy box or Dinosaur collection would be presentable, much less complete, without ole' T-Rex to lord over it. The Papo T-Rex seems to have a smug expression over that (and a scary overbite to go with it).
If you are not interested in the Tyrannosaurus and want to look at other Dinosaurs you might prefer our home page is where you can go to to find both other Dinosaur toys (as they become available) in the list of Dinosaurs on the left side of the page and Dinosaur toy companies.
For other Tyrannosaurus Rex Toy Companies click here
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