The Bullyland Tyrannosaurus Rex Has a Rounded, Softened Appearance
The Bullyland Tyrannosaurus Rex is a very interesting take on this staple of the Dinosaur toy family. Where other manufacturers have tended to produce him with sharp lines Bullyland has gone to a softer, more "rounded off" interpretation, while retaining extreme detail.
Is this a "kinder and gentler" Tyrannosaurus Rex? We'll soon find out.

Weighing in at eight and one-eighth ounces (8.125 oz) and measuring thirteen and one-quarter inches (13.25") from snout to tail tip this very well balanced example of a toy T-Rex easily stands on his own two feet, in bipedal fashion just like he should. The Bullyland Tyrannosaurus Rex is made out of soft rubber so no matter how ferocious he acts, he cant' really injure you while he is quite rugged when it comes to what you may choose to do to him. He's tough, not rough.

Actually made in Germany (not China) these are individually hand-painted and so each is an individual. Additionally there seems to be two series as I have Tyrannosaurs with a "1" and others with a "2" imprinted on their bellies. Otherwise they are exactly alike except for the "paint jobs."
These come, new, with a tag that includes the Dinosaur's name and pertinent information about the Dinosaur.
I don't think so....
There are other Dinosaurs the Bullyland Tyrannosaurus Rex lords it over in Bully-land that you might be interested in.
Like most "diners" when the Bullyland T-rex goes out to eat he starts with a salad...

Then they start looking for an entree...

Stalking silently through the jungle the mighty Tyrannosaur seeks its prey....

The heavily armored Ankylosaur makes for very tough eating. And he puts an exclamation point on that with his dangerous club-tipped tail.
Hey!! You can break a leg with that thing....
Triceratops are more pointed in their desire not to be eaten.

and a herd can protect its tasty young.

But others are more vulnerable and when surprised

suffer the consequences

and sadly show what can happen when you go unarmed among predators.
The Bullyland Tyrannosaurus Rex, as it turns out, is neither kinder nor gentler than any other, and perhaps with its gentle looks, is even more dangerous than other Tyannosaurus Dinosaur toys.
This fine Dinosaur toy is very well made and sells for approximately $20.00, retail.
By now you may have figured out that I really like the great bipedal carnivores that ravaged pre-history. This is one of the best Tyrannosaurus Rex currently in production.
If your interest is more in line with the Tyrannosaurus Rex's menu such as the Ankylosaurus, Hadrosaurus, Iguanodon and Triceratops you can find them on this site. For an overview of Dinosaur toys and collecting check out the "Dinosaur Toys Collectors Guide" Home Page

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