A Dinosaur Picture is Worth 1,000 Words
A Dinosaur Picture Album: Rexford at Work
This page is the blog archive from November 18, 2009: "No page, Get to Work!"
There is always a lot of work that needs to be done in Dino-town and, quite often piling it higher and deeper requires the use of heavy equipment. Rexford occasionally needs to call on some help from his "no-account" brother, "RTO" (Rexford-the-Other) who can always be counted on in a pinch. So they climb up on the dozer and get to work.

Running one of these things is hard work and Rexford and RTO have to work together in order to get the job done. Once it is completed though they can sit back, relax and bask in the glow of a job well done. Of course that can also incite Rexford to get up and take a bow!
"I'm King of the World!"
Well, the piles are higher and deeper but I'm not sure that qualifies you as Royalty here, Rex.
Yes, a Dinosaur picture is worth a thousand words.
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This was the "Dinosaur Picture" blog archive page for November 18, 2009. Click this link to return to the blog archive main page.