A Spinosaur Family Picnic
As part of their line of Great Dinosaurs Safari, Ltd. has put out this excellent toy Spinosaur. It has been combined with the very cute, even impish, little "Wild Safari" Dinosaur Baby (and a guest appearance by the "Wild Safari" figure playing the teenager) to create a Dinosaur toys Family.

Getting up in the morning finds the family in not the best of moods.

Requiring a cup of coffee and a cookie for mom and dad to start the day on the right foot (no, I can't tell them apart either).

The "parent" Spinosaurus is hollow, making it significantly lighter (at six and one eighth ounces- 6.125 oz) than it appears, given its robust length of 
twelve and one-half inches. The baby weighs just over one half ounce and is a solid four inches in length. Both of these are nicely done although the hunter orange coloration lends a definitely toy-like quality to them all. On the other hand there is rather nice detail work

on both of these,

and of course there is that family resemblance. The very nice detail in the "adult's" mouth and the generally soft detail in both figures make for a very complementary pair.
An interesting aspect of both of these figures (adult & baby) is that they each can stand bipedally (on their own two feet, with the tail) or in a quadropedal (four footed) position, with the left forepaw up. (Three-footed if you want to get technical.) When you picture it at the edge of a stream or pond, bent low to catch a fish, then that three point stance makes a lot of sense. Or he could play center on a Dinosaur toys football team. Even the Carnegie Spinosaurus can't do that. This picture is a graphic example of a 'toy' figure versus a serious replica. Both are made by Safari, Ltd.

These are in production and I have seen them ranging in price from $5.99 to $9.99. Keep in mind that this is the Wild Safari "Great Dinosaurs" line, and not the standard Wild Safari Dinosaur toys. You can see the size difference between them as parent and teenager. Given what you are getting these are well worth it. The baby Dinosaur toys go for about $2.00. I have seen them all at brick & mortar retailers as well as online. For those of you with munchkins about these are both (all) non-toxic though not recommended as sandwich fixings.
The Spinosaur Family Heads Out

Setting out across the yard the family comes across what could be an unsettling sign, a dry creek bed.

But then, the world is chock full of unsettling signs and the lake is waiting....

And playing in the water is what little Spinosaurs love to do

Dad (I think) is teaching the "teen" to fish...

Fish are caught and the little ones wrestle over 
over them until mom(?) breaks it up. But now, with food in hand (or claw) we are ready to go on the...
Spinosaur Picnic.
Here, here turn here!!

And where better for Spinosaurs to picnic than at a fish hatchery?

So lunch is set out on the picnic table and everybody digs in.

Dad and the children pose for a picture:

Hmmmm. Says nothing about Spinosaurs.
This is a good spot for me to give my thanks to Safari Ltd. (opens new window)
for their generosity in supplying the Spinosaur Dinosaur toys that made this page possible.
On the way home mom and dad stop to peruse the menu of a local restaurant
and we get home as the sun begins to go down in the Fall afternoon.

I would point out that the large Spinosaur, despite being hollow, did not show any tendency to float off when fishing in the lake, and it had plenty of opportunity. On the other hand it does float in deep enough water. Should it fall out of your boat it will be easily recovered, if you have a boat....
We certainly hope that you enjoyed this little venture into the lives of a 21st Century Spinosaurus family as much as we did in bringing it to you. If your interest has been piqued about Dinosaur toys please check our other companies to find more Dinosaur toys from a variety of manufacturers.
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